The lilac bushes are only in bloom for about two weeks each year, and I’m so glad we caught them for this adorable spring lilac family session in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Look how beautiful! And the Nieto family is such a beautiful family to match.
The weather looked perfect when I checked the forecast on the morning of the session. Then about an hour before it was supposed to start, dark clouds started forming. I got a little worried that we would need to reschedule. There was a little rain beforehand, but soon after we started, the sun came out and the rain stopped. Even the wind calmed down and it was a lovely evening.
Spring Lilac Bushes in Idaho Falls
I love the lilacs so much! They typically bloom during the last two weeks of May. I wish they stayed for longer, but I was so happy to get to do a family session while they were in bloom. I really like this spot because it has so many beautiful lilac bushes and it looks like a big open field. But it’s actually a pretty small area that you probably wouldn’t peg as a photo spot at first glance. But as you can see, this location looks incredible in photos and the light is beautiful in the evening. Trust your photographer when they say they have a great location! Even if it doesn’t look like it, the right lighting and angles can make for the best photos.
The Nieto family came to their session ready to laugh, snuggle, and be themselves. These two brothers are so sweet together and their smiles especially came out when one of them made silly faces at the other from behind my camera. It was such a fun spring lilac family session in Idaho Falls and the photos turned out beautifully.